At MDRN MOSS, we understand that true wellness starts from within. That’s why our premium sea moss is packed with 92 essential minerals and vitamins, providing your body with the holistic nourishment it needs. From boosting immunity and improving digestion to promoting skin health and increasing energy, our sea moss makes wellness not just achievable, but effortless.


    Our natural, fruity sea moss flavors transform this superfood into a delightful experience. Each variety is infused with natural flavors that elevate the subtle marine notes of sea moss into something truly special. Whether it's the refreshing notes of pineapple, the sweet embrace of strawberry, or the exotic touch of mango, these flavors harmonize perfectly with the intrinsic qualities of sea moss. The result is a taste profile that's not only enjoyable but also versatile, making it an ideal addition to smoothies, teas, desserts, and even savory dishes.


    Integrating sea moss into your diet offers a range of health benefits. It's known for promoting digestive health due to its high fiber content, which helps regulate bowel movements and digestion. Sea moss also supports skin health thanks to its collagen-like substances which can enhance the skin's elasticity and complexion. Additionally, its anti-inflammatory properties make it a great choice for those looking to reduce inflammation and improve recovery times after workouts.

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What makes MDRN MOSS different?


Our Sea Moss is Shelf-Stable for 2 years.


Our SEA MOSS comes direct from the pristine waters of ST. LUCIA.


MDRN Moss is Certified Organic. Our Sea Moss is manufactured in a cutting edge facility. Free of pesticides and chemicals, grown in harmony with the environment.


All our products are 100% Vegan!


Our Sea Moss is made with 100% natural aseptic fruit puree. No artificial sweeteners. No added sugar